Mobile GIS GPS PDA, Data captureGIS Consultancy & Training CoursesTree survey, BS5837

Timber harvesting

The one stop consultancy services for:


Tree Survey app for android or apple iOS


Working with outher colnsultants we can provide a wide range of Forestry Consultancy services:

New Tree Planting in tree shelters - GIS Solutions

We can provide practical tree planting advice and regulalry assist with tree planting events. Our main consultant is a Chartered Forester with paractical forestry qualifications and experience along with a Degree in Forestry.

Forestry UK Sitka Spruce Recent planting

ABOVE : Newly established Sitka spruce plantation.


ABOVE : UAV survey of an area of forest that has potentially diseased trees.

Call Us Now - GIS Consultancy


James England NDF, BSc(Hons)For, MicFor
Consultancy: GIS - Forestry - Arboriculture - Website Design