Getac PS535, Mobile GIS GPS PDA, Data captureTrimble Juno 3BRugged Field PCs Flint S812H

ArcGIS, MapInfo, MapMaker, QGIS, QuantumGIS

The one stop consultancy services for:


Tree Survey app for android or apple iOS


We offer a variety of different solutions for displaying and querying your GIS data onto the internet to make it easily available without any GIS software or any great GIS skills needed. Internet mapping, cloud GIS and WebGIS are all the same just different terminology and it allows maps to be made that are more engaging to the public and can provide an excellent medium for consultation. Technology over the last 16 years has moved rapidly and the cost have come dramatically down and we offer cost effective interactive mapping solutions.

Mobile Tree Surveying app:

Our mobile app can allow data collection on any mobile device that runs the Android or iOS operating systems. It is easy to use and has been extensively used for Tree Safety Surveys as well as bat surveys, highways asset condition surveys and grounds maintenance. It links directly to the web mapping system and allows all the data to be collected in one place. The forms ont he mobile device can be customised to your needs and photographs can be linked to the form data. Once the data is captured using a mobile data connection or wifi the data is sent directly to the web mapping system. This means no more transferring tree data and this saves a great deal of time. It then will appear in the system a few seconds later and allows users to login and edit the tree data or export to ESRI Shape File, MapINFO, AutoCAD DXF, Google Earth KML and CSV for use in excel.

Find out more here >>>

"One of the best ways to simplify data (information) is to visualise it using web mapping."


Web GIS - Mapping Consultant, GIS Solutions

Web mapping systems are a powerful visualisation tool and can help you:

Web mapping systems can include tools such as:


 "Our WebGIS system is very easy to use and allows access to a wealth of detailed information."



Interactive Map Solutions

COSTS - there is a one off setup cost which depends on the complexity of your project. Additionally there is an annual hosting charge but it can be paid monthly.


Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database right 2016.

James England NDF, BSc(Hons)For, MicFor
Consultancy: GIS - Forestry - Arboriculture - Website Design