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Tree Survey app for android or apple iOS


Conact GIS Solutions today

UAV's / Drone Aerial Surveys & Mapping

We have a variety of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's) that provide current high quality aerial imagery as well as video. GIS Solutions also offer a full range of GIS Consultancy services including georeferenced aerial imagery. Mapping from UAV's offer levels of accuracy and precision that have never been posible before for a reasonable cost.

Our team of pilots that cover the UK are fully qualified to safely and responsibly operate all of the UAVs. They have permisison from the Civil Aviation Authority that allows them to operate UAV's commercially in the UK and they are fully insured for this and we can provide risk assessments and any other information that you may require.

UAV drone for aerial imagery tree surveys, forestry

"We can provide high quality video or photography, as well as georeferenced images for use in GIS."

UAV aerial imagery - GIS Solutions
ABOVE: An image from a UAV being used to assist with a tree survey. This helped with a planning application for an overhead powerline. Click the photo above to see the original 6Mb photo.

ABOVE: Video shows the high quality footage from a UAV being used to assess the larch trees for disease.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2017.

Call Us Now - GIS Consultancy

James England NDF, BSc(Hons)For, MicFor
Consultancy: GIS - Forestry - Arboriculture - Website Design