Mobile GIS GPS PDA, Data captureGIS Consultancy & Training CoursesTree survey, BS5837

Tree Safety Surveys

The one stop consultancy services for:

Tree Survey app for android or apple iOS 

Tree Safety Surveys?

We provide arboricultural advice and consultancy to local authorities, developers, private landowners and other businesses. We use the latest technology in mobile mapping and display the surveyed results on a web based mapping system to manage and display tree data making it available to project teams alongside other data.  

Tree survey photo, tree surveying, tree survey uk, Arboricultural Services 

Trimble Mobile Mapper, Tree Survey GIS, Geo XH 

We use Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) and other risk assessment systems to provide a Professional Arboricultural Consultancy Service to Businesses, Landowners and Local Authorities.

Beech tree with Meripilus giganteus

ABOVE: A beech tree identified with Meripilus giganteus (Giant polypore) which rapidly decays trees internally before any external evidence has been recognised.

We can provide a wide range of Tree Consultancy Services such as:

Tree failure - importance of carrying out tree surveys

ABOVE: This highlights the importance of carrying out proactive tree surveys on mature trees that are close to high value targets.

"Our Arboriculturalists survey trees throughout the UK and beyond"

Tree Tags for tree surveys
ABOVE: We frequently get asked to tag trees for clear onsite identification.

We have provided these surveys to several Government Agencies, Local Authorities, Architechts, Developers, Schools, Universities, Housing Associations, Parish Councils, Utility Companies, Grounds Maintenance Companies, Property Management Companies, Churches, Private Estates and many Charities who own land with trees.

TruPulse 360B Laser Rangefinder for tree surveys

ABOVE: We use the TruPulse 360B laser rangefinder for accurate tree height, distance and plotting tree positions in difficult conditions where the GPS isnt as useful. These are in our opinion the best laser rangefinder on the market. Click here for further details or contact us today for a quote to buy one or to hire one.


As you can see we undertake a wide variety of tree surveys and our mapping expertise ensures our Clients have their trees accurately positioned with the correct information recorded. We use the latest mobile mapping equipment for tree surveys such as:    


ABOVE: A veteran ash tree believed to be over 200 years old. We understand the importance of veteran trees and provide specific surveys on these to ensure they are not damaged during developments but also to improve the surrounding conditions where possible such as gradually thinning adjacent conifer trees. We use the Specialist Survey Method for Veteran Trees and write Management Plans for them so that Veteran trees can rbe maintained and improve the conditions for these very historic trees.


We have worked on large and small surveys and can help you capture the right information to help manage these valuable resources. We are Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked (formerly known as CRB) for work on School sites and can provide further information on this.

Tree Safety Survey Map - GIS Solutions

ABOVE: An example of a tree survey plan from a safety survey.With our extensive GIS skills we can produce clear maps that can be given to Arborists to action.

For further details please see our Mobile mapping for Tree Surveys leaflet and are Downloads page >>Click Here.

Call Us Now - GIS Consultancy


James England NDF, BSc(Hons)For, MicFor
Consultancy: GIS - Forestry - Arboriculture - Website Design