The one stop consultancy services for:
We offer a wide range of ecological solutions from wildlife fencing to sensitive tree removal and have worked on many protected sites. Nationally throughout the UK we can offer the following ecological services:
Japanese knotweed
Giant hogweed
Himalayan balsam
Rhododendron clearance
Ecological Impact Assessments
Phase 2 Vegetation Surveys
Ecological Clerk of Works
Photographic monitoring linked to maps
Producing site location maps and aerial photograph interpretation
Setting up an easy to use web mapping sites to show ecological information
Capturing aerial imagery of large scale areas with UAV's
Noxious Weed management Plan
Method Statements
Contract Management
under construction
We utilise lots of different GIS/CAD software and can cater for virtually any file type. We frequently convert AutoCAD .DWG files to Shape files .SHP or MapINFO Tab or MIF/MID files.
We have expertise in GIS analysis, relational database design, spatial analysis, thematic cartography for Environmental Impact Assessments and producing web mapping portals to show ecology information alongside others such as tree surveys.
Consultancy: GIS - Forestry - Arboriculture - Website Design